“LemanX is an inclusive international cyberschool and welcomes students of all nationalities, backgrounds and beliefs.”

We accept students from all walks of life, but request that the students are open-minded, respectful and come prepared for each class. We want to ensure they are maximizing this exclusive experience and not disrupting the learning opportunities for others.

How to Apply

If you are interested in attending LemanX, we will provide you with all necessary information (like application form, necessary documents etc.) as soon as you have contacted us. Our Admissions Team is here to help at any stage of the process should you need assistance.

Application Process

At LemanX we use an online application system for all enrolments which we open up as we have an overview how many students we can take for the next class - depending on our existing waitlists. Therefore, we will let you only fill out the application form when we know that we can offer your child a seat in the class. Therefore it is important that you get in touch with us as early as possible to put you on the waitlist. As soon as seats get available we inform you and send you the registration link where we need the following from this point of time on:

Documents Required:

  1. Application Form (completed and signed)
  2. Applicant's Passport Scan
  3. Certifications & Report Cards (previous three years of school)
  4. 4. A Creative Personal Presentation (in any form or media like collage, essay, video etc.)
  5. 5. Any additional documentation which you believe will aid in your child’s application and why the class may benefit from your child participating.

Things to Note

  • A non-refundable application fee is due when you submit your final application to LemanX. The fee for each submitted application is EUR 100.
  • Students may be screened depending on age and language proficiency and may also be required to undertake additional testing. This may include testing in Maths and English, in order to assess their requirements for English Second Language support.
  • Upon completion of the first screening, students will be invited for an online interview to assess their character and complete the LemanX entry exam.

Next Steps

If your application is successful and results of the entry exam are adequate, an unconditional or probationary admission offer will be made. We will send you the letter of acceptance, school contract and one-time registration fee invoice. To confirm your child’s place, please sign the contracts and pay the registration fee within 3 weeks of receipt. You will then have 30 days to settle the first semester invoice.

Should your application be unsuccessful, we will let you know.

What is a Probationary Admissions Offer?

In some instances, we may grant probationary admission, based on the student’s circumstances. Which means that the student must meet certain criteria in order to remain at school. (Such criteria are determined on a case-by-case basis at time of admission).

Financial Commitments

Positively impacting your child’s life is priceless. The knowledge they will absorb is invaluable and the exposure they will receive will be treasured. We are fully aware that the fees in our globally unique program are amongst the highest. But we aspire to redefine education and the class experience location-independent. The monthly fee starts at EUR 1.500 and you will receive more detailed information as soon as we can offer your child a seat in the class when we know what the final class size is.

The following questions are crucial for us when we want to rethink education of tomorrow:

How should the ideal education look like which is accessible from any location on this planet? What if we could redefine education and positively impact life’s trajectory of the children? What needs to be done if money wouldn’t play a role?


  • Please do not commit to sending your child to LemanX if the fees may strain your family budget, and if any changes in fees will negatively impact your financial security.
  • We are a highly innovative, non-traditional educational institute at the beginning of our expedition into unchartered territory. Our methods are not suitable for every family and may not be the best learning technique for every child. Therefore we highly encourage you to explore the best options for your family and understand the needs of your child(ren).
  • However, should you have financial liberty to make a significant investment into your child’s future, and desire the freedom to move freely with your family without sacrificing your child’s education, then we look forward to welcoming you on this exciting journey!

Contact the Admissions Team

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