As parents, we all face an important decision, which is choosing the right school for our children that provides a solid, yet future-oriented educational foundation, from which they can learn and develop.
At LemanX, we are united by the joy of learning, stimulating innovation and curiosity, inspiring personal and academic progression while enabling a strong sense of belonging as they embrace cross-cultural and global perspectives, and evolve into the leaders of tomorrow.
We believe that there will be new ways of living; a change from a sedentary to globally mobile lifestyle, with individuals and families realizing they are able to travel and experience the world like never before - unreliant on being cemented in one location for their occupation or education.
We can offer you that privilege. You can be location independent while still ensuring your child receives an excellent education in alignment with the education received at the world’s top boarding schools, in addition to learning valuable skills for independence, enhancing their natural talents and enriching their passions to create a better world.
It will be no easy feat, and the value at a premium, but as we are continuing to develop this concept with the findings and input of academic leaders, child psychologists and other parents, we hope you will join us to support our promising journey to delivering experiential education through the application of moon-shot thinking and advanced technology.
We encourage you to think differently about the modern world, think outside the box and realize that there is no ceiling. No matter where you choose to go, we can provide you a future-oriented solution that will help your family be mobile and ensure your child's independence. Are you ready to be part of the future, bound by no limitations? Register your interest in the form below.
Children become accustomed to an established system of learning and are likely settled into their existing schools, which is why making an international move with school-aged children is not a decision to take lightly. Contemplating such a move can result in a number of overwhelming decisions a parent needs to make, especially when factoring in the global education systems and navigating each institution's qualification.
While a foreign assignment can offer new and exciting opportunities for the parents, it is vital that families keep an eye on the future of their child, as not all education systems in the world are equal; state or local education may not be a viable option due to the language barriers or perhaps unlikely to be available to expatriate families due to the geographical location.
We aim to provide families the flexibility to relocate and travel at any time of their children’s lives, as their schooling will not be affected, due to the way in which LemanX Education is provided. Our students will learn to think and collaborate across countries, cultures and disciplines, expanding their horizons, weaving the entrepreneurial mindset into their daily lives.
Born in the heart of Switzerland, where the world’s leading boarding schools have laid their roots and where exclusive private education emerged, LemanX has taken the traditions of educational best-practices and merged it with exploratory technologies, to create a one-of-a-kind, location independent school.
Philosophy of humanism and experiential learning at its core, LemanX has brought the best of two worlds together incorporating the strong ethos of the top Swiss boarding schools with new technologies to provide a culturally rich and transformative educational experience, in a virtual school, no matter where you are in the world.
Leman represents the historic location of all the leading Swiss boarding schools, many of them situated right on Lac Leman (Lake Geneva). While the X stands for the extraordinary experience this innovative education will provide your child, with an excellent core curriculum, a colourful variety of extra-curricular activities, and exposing them to new cultures and views thereby expanding their horizons.
“Our mission is to is to be the pioneers in transformative experiential education, providing tailored learning experiences to the nomadic global citizens of today, through the application of moon-shot thinking and the latest advancements in technology”
Well educated children are more likely to become productive and engaged citizens, which is why at LemanX, we go above and beyond contemporary education. We are the future of education for our children. With exceptional academia and personal development at the foundation of what we do, we are integrating the latest technology with our daily lives to remove the challenges that distant learning may pose. Instead, we eliminate those limitations and re-think education, bringing our findings from research to life.
Our curriculum is inspired by the best talent and experts across the globe with educators being recruited from all over the world. Our faculty are part of a highly supportive educational community, deeply committed to producing exceptional scholars, yet well-balanced, open-minded global citizens. Whilst only selecting highly qualified staff to ensure we consistently achieve exceptional academic results, we do not believe in a one-size fits all approach to teaching. Our future-ready programs promote academic brilliance through an engaging, multi-sensory learning process in addition to our outstanding extra-curricular Talent & Enrichment Program.
Our goal is to develop strong personalities, foster natural talent and inspire our leaders of tomorrow to emerge as young, responsible individuals that succeed in life and their communities, at the very least.
We are deeply committed to challenging the status quo of education. Going beyond the traditional methods of leading schools and institutions, to deliver a future oriented curriculum, equipping the next generation with the tools and mindset to succeed as they navigate an uncertain future.
We equally hope to find parents who believe in our vision, who are unafraid to take on this challenge and unimpressed by the initial resources and funding needed to bring this dream to life; to make this vision of a future education a reality.
Only pioneers can lead the way and light the spark for the future generations of pioneers.
The foundation of our school is built upon 3 key pillars:
We make it possible for parents to pursue their dreams of relocating to exotic destinations, have the freedom to tour the world, accept assignments in barren lands or simply move with the seasons and follow the sun. No matter where they go or how long they remain, the pedagogy will still be rich.
Removing the need to send your child to a brick-and-mortar school, we provide you the highest quality of education, equivalent to the world’s best boarding schools, all while giving you the opportunity to be present throughout the precious moments of your child’s life. With globalization on the rise and global mobility a reality of the “new normal”, our education will too, prepare your child for a location-independent life they can enjoy.
We are currently living in an uncertain world, which will continue to become more complex as we cannot predict the disruptions that are to come. Which is why we want to equip the younger generation with the skills, tools and mindset needed in order to succeed, not as additional lessons, but fully incorporated into their daily curriculum.
This goes beyond a state-of-the-art educational facility and conventional thinking, but rather into the principles of entrepreneurialism and a creative mentality to find innovative solutions to challenges that arise. Those skills coupled with utilizing the latest technologies and participating in extra-curricular activities to strengthen the child’s aptitude, means a forward-thinking mindset will become rooted in their daily life, and these sought-after competencies will be appreciated when they further their education then eventually enter the workforce.
We know that technology plays a key role in advancing society and stimulating globalization, but we also believe that technology can strongly enhance a child's learning which is why we want to pave the way for a future-minded education, empowering our students to be technologically adept.
Integrating the latest technologies in the EdTech sphere, we make learning simple, productive and seamless. From a 3-dimensional geography lesson to complex projects with real-world relevance, the natural curiosity and exploratory mind of a child is triggered with a desire to learn more and engage. Continued adoption of these technological practices will enable children to acclimate themselves to the emergence of even newer technologies and adapt their critical thinking skills.
Our education model is transformative and experiential, utilizing the classroom called life. We want to equip our children with the skills and tools needed to confidently tackle the daily challenges faced in the modern world, while magnifying their entrepreneurial mindset so they can be self-reliant and live an independent successful life. We also support them in finding their passions and unearthing their natural talents, strengthening their aptitudes and creating an impact on the world we live in.
The key concepts in which we aim to do this are through:
An individual who is self-reliant and able to solve complex problems is one who can navigate the challenges created by humankind. Which we believe, is a key ingredient of living an independent and successful life, especially in a future where technological advancements continue exponentially.
Discovering your passion in life is not easy, but we take pride in being able to identify talents in our future leaders and developing their strengths, encouraging them to follow their curiosity, which will guide them towards leading more fulfilling lives.
Like a diamond in the rough, helping students find their passion, builds a strong foundation to allow their personalities to shine through; activating their internal motivators which in turn creates a generation of young adults who will be genuinely interested in the work that they undertake, creating a positive impact in society.
Utilizing the latest educational technology systems and platforms such as AI assessments to gauge the engagement and development of our students, allows us to be the pioneers in mobile learning. Complementing the evaluations completed by our teachers in their continuous observation, the AI assessments and personal evaluations are updated frequently and available online for the parents to view at any time throughout their child’s journey.
Our goal is to support the learning and development of the child through collecting important data points on their progress from our EdTech solutions. We are then also able to discover their strengths and natural talents, which will provide us and the educators critical data to ensure the curriculum, combination of courses and content, are continuously adjusted in order for their learning pathways to be achieved and fast-tracks to enrichment courses are taken where possible.
Whilst only selecting highly qualified staff to ensure we consistently achieve exceptional academic results, we do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching. This is why we not only work with the best teachers and educators, but also global mentors, who can foster development in areas outside of the curriculum.
These global mentors are individuals such as subject matter experts, field researchers, leading scientists and more, whom we integrate as part of regular classes in the core curriculum to provide authentic insights into the work they are doing. We believe this will inspire further learning into such areas and create respect for those leading fields. (example: top climate scientist James Hansen explains climate change and how it threatens animals and the human race to extinction).
We believe in the power of storytelling and that one story could transform your life. Which is why we invite special personalities and inspiring individuals to share their stories with our students; challenge their thoughts and provide educational lessons that transform the audience, creating one-of-a-kind experiences across varying subject matters.
Because of our remote classrooms, it is more important than ever, that children continue to learn key social skills and develop their social behaviours. It is not by accident that in the schoolyard, children begin to grasp those competencies. However by drilling core concepts like conflict management and rehearsing it in role-play activities, or practicing it in the real-world, students are able to face those challenges, learn from them and reflect.
We all know it is counterproductive to be sat in front of a screen on video calls and presentations from 9am to 5pm and our school is no different. Lessons are shorter to ensure the attention span of the child is maximized, while gamification elements, off-screen time and a mixture of physical activities (like group work, home experiments and live excursions) make our school days diversified and worthwhile.
The classroom is our world, and the homework assignments given to the students include progressive activities that incorporate daily, real-life experiences where active participation is necessary. Students are required to interact with their surroundings and bring those insights into the classroom. An open-mind and safe learning environment is what allows our students to learn about different cultures, views and beliefs without discrimination or bias.
Our Impact Camps create well-rounded students, as they strengthen the social skills and behaviours practiced while encouraging exploration of new disciplines, deepen friendship bonds and focus on interpersonal skills. These 1-2 weeks of intense gatherings are voluntary and open to all children around the world in a reversed boarding school model - where instead of spending every day at the school, our students are spending every day in the world.
LemanX is for the pioneering parents, exploratory minds and those who want to embrace the future.
Parents may decide to pursue a home education or online education for various reasons. It may be due to philosophical or religious incentives, dissatisfaction with the methods of teaching in schools, constant traveling or relocation due to new postings, or the lack of a good education system in the local region.
Whatever the reasons, we understand the need to equip your children with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in this exponentially evolving world, help them realize their ambitions and cultivate an environment for growth.
At LemanX, our core program brings you an International curriculum through flexible academic programs, created by passionate educators, curated by the individual needs, interests and talents of your child through their IDP (Independent Development Program).
We place a high degree of importance on the holistic development of the child, which is why we have implemented exceptionally rich extra-curricular courses which are offered in our Talent & Enrichment Development (TED) Program.
Meet the men behind the vision Andre Niedermann and Dr. Torsten Wingenter
André Niedermann is a Digital Innovator with wide experience in Higher Education, Entrepreneurship and Organizational Ambidexterity.
After having graduated from Les Roches International Hospitality Management School in 1996, he has worked for both local and international brands, such as Hilton, Marriott, Balair/CTA, the Widder Hotel in Zurich, The Sukosol in Bangkok as well as the Swiss Federal Railways SBB, before joining the Swiss National Exhibition Expo.02 in 1999, where we was appointed as the Head of Product-, Service-, Industry- and Mediapartners. In 2003 he founded his first company entelligent gmbh, which was then followed by e-lifestyle gmbh in 2006, the Lemanic Education Group AG in 2010, mandelaugen group gmbh in 2011 as well as being the Chair in two other companies.
He is currently a senior lecturer, researcher and consultant at the School of Business (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland) in Olten Switzerland, where he specialized in Digital Innovation and Organizatioinal Ambidexterity.
André Niedermann grew up in Taiwan, Singapore and Switzerland and has lived in Brazil, Thailand, Germany and China for more than 10years.
Dr Wingenter is an innovator and entrepreneur with a faible for education.
As a former executive of a large international corporate, he was specialised in digital innovation and responsible for the worldwide digital strategy. He was also the founder of the so-called Lufthansa FlyingLab taking innovation for airlines to literally 33.000 feet to create and experience the future of flying. He's been cited by leading publications like New York Times, Handelsblatt, APEX etc., interviewed by TV channels N24 or NTV and worldwide speaking at leading events like MWC, DLD, dmexco, SXSW, CannesLions, Financial Times Aerospace Summit to name a few. In addition to his professional endeavors, he's lecturer and examiner at several universities and faculty member of futur/io - the European Institute for Exponential Technologies & Desirable Futures. Its goal is to create desirable futures by improving how to cope with exponential technologies.